Friday, March 11, 2011

Ella's 1st Haircut!

Ella's first haircut....a much harder day and experience for mom than it was for Ella.  I have been putting off her first haircut for months because I new it was another step away from baby days and into toddlerhood.  Honestly, if my friend Cindy had not called me to schedule her first haircut....Ella would still have her baby hair (some called it a Baby Mullet). So alas, we set out on Monday, March 7th to CIU for the big event!
The before: Ella was scared.  Notice the tears in the eyes.  So, Mom had to get her hair cut,too! 
Still not too sure...

Okay once she got started cutting.  Luckily, Ella's friend Luke was there to distract her!
The after: All smiles once she was done, and it was Luke's turn!
My Beautiful baby girl! All in all, not nearly as bad as I expected, but my baby girl came out as a toddler with a little pixie bob! 

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