Sunday, June 7, 2009

I am officially entering the home stretch of pregnancy! I am 34 weeks along today! It is hard to believe that I only have 6 weeks until my due date. I went to the doctor last week and I am measuring two weeks further along. as of now, this only means that I may have a big baby. my due date has not been changed. (disclaimer for the photo: i did not know shea was going to take a picture of my face just thought it was going to be of the belly, and we cannot find the camera charger and the camera died after one photo.)

A huge blessing is that I am feeling great! i was expecting to be pretty miserable and uncomfortable by this point; so, i am pleasantly surprised that i feel so good. we will see what my attitude is come mid July :)

I have complete strangers come up to me and guess what i am having, the most common response has been BOY!! yesterday, i went to Mc Donald's for lunch and the young man at the counter who is in his early 20's said to me, "you are having a boy aren't you...." I looked at him very shocked because i do not have men come up to me and guess the sex of the baby, much less a very young man!! The two wives tale things i have looked at to guess the sex the Chinese calender and the wedding ring on a string......have both said boy!!! therefore, i am pretty convinced we are having a little boy. I think, actually i know, i will be shocked if we have a girl. I actually dreamt last week that i had the baby. in the dream, they told me it was a girl and I did not believe them!

Oh I almost forgot, we have a huge praise report! Shea got youth pastor position with a church that we love in Columbia, SC!!! The lord's timing is perfect! He will start after the baby in born in August! Thank you for all of you who have been praying for us during this time!!


  1. misti that is great news about shea's job!! yea!!

  2. oh yay! im so excited for you guys! love kellie
