Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On the road again....

we are getting ready to head out tomorrow evening after work for Ohio! I am so excited. we are going home to see my family, and they are going to have a baby shower for us!! I cannot wait to see all my family and friends. I have been waiting until my baby shower to do the old wives's tail thing where you hold your wedding ring on a string over your belly to determine the sex of the baby. my sister-in-law, Rachel's mom, always did this at all her baby showers, and i think it was correct! anyway, i am looking forward to doing it and seeing what we might me having!

however, i am getting really excited to find out if i have a little boy or girl inside of me! I have a website that emails me weekly updates, and the one i received yesterday told me that there are only 63 days until my due date!!!!! Ahhhh! where has the time gone? i cannot believe the baby is coming this quickly!

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