Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The longest, slowest 4 weeks ever.....

I have heard many of my friends and co-workers say that the last 4 weeks are the hardest part of pregnancy and what you remember most. I am beginning to believe them now. I am so ready to meet this baby! I just cannot wait to not be pregnant anymore! I do not know how my belly could possibly get any bigger. it is HUGE. I am officially to the point where maternity clothes are not fitting anymore and complete strangers come up to me and say, "are you having TWINS?" :(

The other hard thing right now is that i am constantly HOT! I never cool down. It is like having an oven strapped to me. I avoid going outside if at all possible. The AC and the pool are my best friends right now. I was sitting in Mc Allisters last Friday on my day off (in the A/C) drinking sweet tea and sweating. i went and asked the manager to turn up the A/C for me.

On a crazy note, i still want to go berry picking almost to the point of being obsessed. I keep trying to recruit people to go with me b/c i know that it is not safe for me to get out there and go into labor. i think my sweet friend Rebbecca is going to go with me on Thursday :)

Speaking of Rebbecca, Shea and I received multiple phone calls from her and her husband a couple of Sundays ago. It was the Sunday Shea was being presented at Riverbend Community Church as the new youth pastor; so, we did not answer our phones. i saw her at my baby shower a few days later and asked her why they called on Sunday. She said they were trying to find our baby registry at babies r us and the only one for Misti Willis was with a Jeremy. they were calling to make sure they had the right registry when the lady at the babies r us registry counter told them, " the father of the baby may not be her husband." our friends were adamant that they were certain that my husband was indeed the father of the baby. She proceeded to tell them that she has seen all sorts of unusual situations there...... Oh SC!! Yet, again Shea's name not being his legal name creates confusion!!! at our wedding, we got so many cards for Misti & Jeremy...... it just makes me laugh!!

I go to the doctor on Friday....I will keep you posted. also, we have replaced our camera charger now so i will post a new picture of my belly over the weekend. I am officially 37 weeks and 1 day!!

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