Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On the road again....

we are getting ready to head out tomorrow evening after work for Ohio! I am so excited. we are going home to see my family, and they are going to have a baby shower for us!! I cannot wait to see all my family and friends. I have been waiting until my baby shower to do the old wives's tail thing where you hold your wedding ring on a string over your belly to determine the sex of the baby. my sister-in-law, Rachel's mom, always did this at all her baby showers, and i think it was correct! anyway, i am looking forward to doing it and seeing what we might me having!

however, i am getting really excited to find out if i have a little boy or girl inside of me! I have a website that emails me weekly updates, and the one i received yesterday told me that there are only 63 days until my due date!!!!! Ahhhh! where has the time gone? i cannot believe the baby is coming this quickly!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Praise!

Well, we have a new nickname for the baby. It is bobcat! this all came about as a result of a sleepy conversation between Shea and myself. I was just dozing off to sleep when Shea walked up to the bed and said, "It looks like you have an elephant growing inside of you!" To which, I replied just as serious as can be, "It is not an elephant; it is a Bobcat!" Shea found this very funny and started to laugh!

We had our 30 week ultrasound on Friday May 8th, and everything look great!! the baby however is measuring one week ahead because the head is big! I am blaming Shea and his big head on this one! the baby weighed 3lbs & 7ozs!! I am getting so excited to meet this little one!

Also, we got the baby's moses basket ready this weekend. it is so sweet and cute! i got the idea of using a moses basket instead of a bassinet from my friend Laura! Her family was missionaries in Africa and one of the village ladies actually gave Laura's mom a basket to use for her babies. Then, last year when Laura had her baby girl, Rani, the basket was passed on to her!! so, i found a basket at a consignment shop in march. i was so excited. well, Jack decided to help us out one night and chewed on the handles of the basket:( I was furious and so, i have been thinking about how we could fix it. i will post pics of what i did to fix it this weekend. let me know what you think!