Monday, April 27, 2009

spring has spring & so has my belly.....

hey everyone! Sorry, i have not posted in awhile. I have been feeling so great these days! i am enjoying the wonderful spring weather in SC before it gets too HOT! We are trying to get all of traveling in before the baby arrives. therefore, we went to Jax for Easter, a weekend at the cabin last weekend, and onto NOLA this weekend to visit with Boone & Laura! we are very excited to see them! Finally, we will make a trip to OH over memorial day weekend! My family is hosting a baby shower for me :)

I have been trying to stay active by walking throughout the pregnancy. a couple of weeks ago, Shea and i were walking after church in the park and i had my first Braxton Hicks contraction. i thought i had really bad indigestion. i thought i was being very wimpy b/c it was very uncomfortable. however, i was relieved to hear that it was a Braxton Hicks contraction from the ladies at work the next day! this past weekend when we were at the cabin, we went for a hike on Saturday. I felt great! no Braxton Hicks contractions! We did between 5-6 miles! however, shortly after i finished my delicious lunch of Barbecue, I got sick with migraine headache! I must of overheated from the 85 degree weather..... oh well, it was worth it!

On the Dr side of things, I am Rh neg, but do not have to have the shots b/c Shea is A neg too! how amazing is the Lord! we have the same blood type. we both have a very rare blood type only 6% of the population has this blood type. Also, they did my screening for gestational diabetes on Friday. i am still waiting to hear the results; however, no news is good news in this case!!

I will keep you all posted. we are waiting to find out about Shea's job. so, no nursery plans yet! we are registered at Baby's R Us and Wal Mart. We have to finish registering, but we at least got started!

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