Monday, March 16, 2009

Whew....i am behind!

Sorry I have not posted in awhile....These past few weeks have been crazy! We traveled to Iowa for a job interview for Shea, went camping on Hunting Island the next weekend, and then I went to Chicago to visit girls from my small group! The great news is that I feel wonderful! I have my energy back! My appetite is back in full force! I am sleeping through the night! The second trimester truly is a great time in pregnancy!

On top of me feeling better, I can feel the baby moving now! it is amazing! I was starting to get worried b/c i had not felt the baby move! at my 20 week Dr. apt, my doctor told me to sit still after dinner with my hands on my belly. the next day while i was at bible study, I felt the baby move! my first thought was, i have been feeling this for awhile now. (I just thought it was gas :)

Another cool thing that happened, my mom was able to be there with me to go to the ultrasound!! How cool the Lord worked that out! My parents were on their way back to OH from a cruise, and they were able to spend the night with us and go to my appointment the next day!! While we were watching the baby on the screen, it was very quiet in the room. Shea, mom and I were so amazed!!!! We could not believe everything you can one point, i was thinking, "Oh, they are checking my kidney to make sure my organs are fine." then, the technician says, " Here are the 4 chambers of the baby's heart! " Oh my word, silly me! i could not believe it! they can see the organs and everything! the baby only weighed 11oz and was 7 1/2 inches long!!! The technician is putting the pics on a CD for, I will post pics soon!!

For all you out there who are dying to know what we are having, you will not be happy to know the baby was cooperating with our plan! He/She was in the worst possible position to see the sex!!

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait to see the pics! so exciting! and booo to baby it for not blowing its cover!! i love you guys kellie
