Monday, February 9, 2009

Husbands are from Mars...

It is official, I am starting to "show." I am very excited! I am also anticipating feeling the baby move for the first time! I thought I might of felt the baby move last Sunday night. I had fallen asleep on the couch, again :( and when I got up to get ready for bed, i felt something. I was not sure what it when I laid down in bed, I thought that might of been the baby. However, I strong part of me suspected gas (a not so fun side effect of pregnancy). So, I called Shea in the room to tell him. mind you, I was trying to very nonchalant about the whole thing. I start by telling Shea that it might be gas, or I might of felt the baby move.

My poor husband just doesn't get it! He responded by saying, "Oh, it is just a Phantom movement. For example, I was just sitting on the couch, and I thought i felt my cell buzzing in my pocket. However, I did not even have my cell phone!!!" What?? I let him know that my feelings were hurt and that was not a very sensitive thing to say. To compare our child moving for the first time to sitting on his cell phone!!

The final conclusion is: I have not felt the baby move yet!


  1. I am so excited!!!!

  2. misti, boone would have said the same thing to me i'm sure :)

  3. misti, boone would have said the same thing to me i'm sure :)

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  5. my husband just admitted that he also would have said the same thing. i was not surprised. i wonder where men really are from? :)Erica
