Monday, February 23, 2009

19 Weeks...almost half way!

19 Weeks....almost half way! I am starting to feel pregnant now! my pants do not fit normal anymore. Last week on Wednesday evening when Shea got home from work. I was already in my PJ's, and he kept staring at my belly. it was then that i knew i had popped. then, when i got to work on Thursday right away one of ladies at the front desk noticed, too. she said, "it was not there tuesday, and now your belly is there!"

Also, this week we have our ultrasound on Friday! I am so excited. i cannot wait to see the baby. My mom will be here to go to the appointment with me!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Husbands are from Mars...

It is official, I am starting to "show." I am very excited! I am also anticipating feeling the baby move for the first time! I thought I might of felt the baby move last Sunday night. I had fallen asleep on the couch, again :( and when I got up to get ready for bed, i felt something. I was not sure what it when I laid down in bed, I thought that might of been the baby. However, I strong part of me suspected gas (a not so fun side effect of pregnancy). So, I called Shea in the room to tell him. mind you, I was trying to very nonchalant about the whole thing. I start by telling Shea that it might be gas, or I might of felt the baby move.

My poor husband just doesn't get it! He responded by saying, "Oh, it is just a Phantom movement. For example, I was just sitting on the couch, and I thought i felt my cell buzzing in my pocket. However, I did not even have my cell phone!!!" What?? I let him know that my feelings were hurt and that was not a very sensitive thing to say. To compare our child moving for the first time to sitting on his cell phone!!

The final conclusion is: I have not felt the baby move yet!