Monday, January 19, 2009

An Alien, Baby Limb Buds, and Walnut Willis! Just a few nicknames for baby, so far!

Hello Family & Friends! WE’RE HAVING A BABY!! Ahhhhhhh!!! Can you believe it!?
Yeah, we can’t either! :) WE are so excited. So, this is my first time doing a blog. Please hang in with me b/c I am sure I will get better as I go on. Also, you have to understand that since this is my blog something will be misspelled :) I thought this would be a great way for our family and friends from all over to keep up with what is going on as the baby develops. I am officially 14 weeks now, and I am in my second trimester. I am due July 21st! I am starting to feel like myself again. The last 2 months have been very hard on me physically. I could not even walk near the refrigerator or the kitchen from Thanksgiving until after Christmas. I officially had no energy to do any Christmas shopping. I did all the shopping in a 2 1/2 hour span on Dec. 23rd!

We officially decided to not find out what we are having! We want to be surprised!! So, everyone can start guessing what we are having! I originally thought a girl, but after my last Dr. apt, the heart beat was 150 bpm. I heard that boys have slower heart beats. so, now I am thinking it is a boy! We will see how many times it changes throughout the pregnancy.

Well, my next appointment is Jan. 30th. I will get to listen to the heart beat and schedule the next ultrasound!


  1. I want to see a picture!!...and I'm totally excited for you. I think its a boy!

  2. Welcome to the blog world...there's no turning back now! Can't wait to see some belly shots!
